Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Having sleep disorders? Check out Feng Shui for sleep secrets.

Feng Shui is beneficial for many things, such as getting a sound night of sleep each night. For the who are not aware, Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese principle that combines art and science in order to create a pleasing surroundings that is favorable to the positive flow of Chi, the universe's energy. By controlling this Chi and keeping the positive flow, it is possible to improve your time sleeping.

Any technique may not bring about more sleep. But the combination of techniques should do just fine. To get more sleep secrets including the way to handle Feng Shui mirrors are available at

Monday, August 2, 2010

Feng Shui Color Meanings - Color Essentials

Color is essential in Feng Shui practice and is used in accordance with the theory of the five elements – wood, fire, water, metal and earth. A specific color represents an element's charateristics. In Feng Shui, it is very important note that the use of color is one of the easiest ways of altering the energy in your living space.

Making use of your Ba-Gua or Feng Shui energy eight-directional map, you'll be able to determine which areas of your house correspond with each element. Keep in mind that some parts of the home may be a mixture of elements, according to the direction. Nonetheless, as long as you stick with the colors of each elements or some variation thereof, you will be fine, Feng Shui-wise. Learn more... Feng Shui color meaning>>

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Feng Shui and House Selling

Feng Shui is all about making a pleasing and harmonious space that draws in positive energy. This particular energy or Chi comes in two flavors – good and bad. The goal is to create an environment that boosts good Chi flow. To be able to attain this goal, practitioners combine art and science in terms of placement.

Back to your house, if it is not selling, there may be an overabundance of bad Chi which is turning off potential buyers. What you need is to accentuate the good Chi and reverse that bad Chi. Am I making sense here? Yes? Let’s continue... Feng Shui House Selling Tip at

Monday, July 26, 2010

Feng Shui and Clocks

A rumor seems to persist in the land of newbie Feng Shui practitioners that clocks create bad Chi and are therefore bad Feng Shui. As with other components of this ancient Chinese practice, there is a right and wrong way to display clocks in your home.

You may have heard from unseasoned Feng Shui practitioners to avoid placing clocks in your home. They claim that clocks make for bad Feng Shui because clocks bring on the bad chi. This is not true. The key is to realize that there is a right and wrong way to display clocks in your home. In addition, the type of clocks you use also makes a difference.

Here are some Feng Shui clock tips:
  • According to Feng Shui, you should not hang any large display clocks in your bedroom; much less display several different ones. The bedroom is your sanctuary, a place to relax and unwind. It should be a place where you are only governed by your internal clock rather than a mechanical one.

  • If you are a collector of different kinds of clocks, there are places in the home where a display might be more appropriate. The living room is one such place to hang your special clocks or display them on graduated shelves or the mantle. A large collection might be better served displayed in a prominent hallway.

  • It is also important to note the places where you should not display clocks as well, besides the particular bedroom Feng Shui rules mentioned above. For instance, do not display a clock in the entry way of the home. You do not want a clock to be the first thing that people see when they come to visit. It infers a time limit on the visit. And while clocks are totally acceptable in the living and family rooms, do not display clocks made of metal. It hinders the health and happiness of the family.
According to Christine Tran, "Clocks are not evil nor do they conspire against Feng Shui principles. It is all about how they are displayed." Because time has several connotations, it is important that you are always cognizant in how you choose to use them in the home and still maintain a positive chi.