Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Having sleep disorders? Check out Feng Shui for sleep secrets.

Feng Shui is beneficial for many things, such as getting a sound night of sleep each night. For the who are not aware, Feng Shui is a traditional Chinese principle that combines art and science in order to create a pleasing surroundings that is favorable to the positive flow of Chi, the universe's energy. By controlling this Chi and keeping the positive flow, it is possible to improve your time sleeping.

Any technique may not bring about more sleep. But the combination of techniques should do just fine. To get more sleep secrets including the way to handle Feng Shui mirrors are available at

Monday, August 2, 2010

Feng Shui Color Meanings - Color Essentials

Color is essential in Feng Shui practice and is used in accordance with the theory of the five elements – wood, fire, water, metal and earth. A specific color represents an element's charateristics. In Feng Shui, it is very important note that the use of color is one of the easiest ways of altering the energy in your living space.

Making use of your Ba-Gua or Feng Shui energy eight-directional map, you'll be able to determine which areas of your house correspond with each element. Keep in mind that some parts of the home may be a mixture of elements, according to the direction. Nonetheless, as long as you stick with the colors of each elements or some variation thereof, you will be fine, Feng Shui-wise. Learn more... Feng Shui color meaning>>